A discussion about discussion board rules of the civil discourse
In 2010, Rona posted up discussion board rules. I had not ever posted up something like this because I felt like if people were misbehaving, we could end up with a whole other argument going on about...
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I also like Rona's "Rules" a lot. And while I agree to some extent with what Mark said, I would not want to lose some of the loving, meandering quality of some of the conversations here. Maybe it is...
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Please don't reboot. If the material here is lost or not the "main" focus, then MIS would not be the same. THis is such a HUGE research source. Use it many times. Finally the search button allows this...
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I agree that Erich being here is invaluable. We are so lucky that he participates. I would never have been able to have him as a teacher if he had not been actively here, and I know that the reason...
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I love Rona's rules! I am a little hesitant to archive the old discussions, because like Lillylulu, I use it as a reference constantly. It doesn't seem "old" to me because there is always new-to-me...
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Thank you for volunteering! Yeah, that'd be awesome to have you moderate. Any topic you particular want to be a part of? It's really simple for me to reorganize the board so if we want to try a change...
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I hope others will weigh in here. My first reaction was OH NOOOOOO! I love this place, don't change a thing! But then I understood that nothing was going to be lost or hidden, and it would be more...
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Thanks Karen, I think that we need to demonstrate that the board is being actively managed to encourage people to participate again. I think in order to grow again we need to shrink first. And yes,...
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Nothing more constant than change. I usually fight it for a minute and then relax in to it. As long as threads are available it sounds good to me. r
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To me it's like when your kids go to college and then you might buy a smaller house because you just don't need the space. I think we could use a little smaller house right now.
View ArticleRe: A discussion about discussion board rules of the civil discourse
Suzanne- I have no preference. Happy to help wherever you want me. I went back and read the Discourse rules. I still like Rona's better. LOL! I participate in several other forums and I think the...
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Personally, I don't mind having all those sub-forums. I like it that way! It looks like a lot is happening, even if there isn't much activity. I just always look at where the little lotus man is, and...
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In agreement with Erich about sub-forums and finding current conversations with the lotus man. The way to create dialogue isn't thru subtraction...making it more simple unless you want it more like...
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We see this board through our eyes, but I think we have shown that the people who have been here for years and years are going to participate. I think we need to look at how someone new to the board...
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The thing is, people new to the board are going to see little lotus men on every forum in every topic... which is about the same as having no indicator of what is current and might be a bit...
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Yes, exactly. I deal with this a lot at work because most software developers understand how their programs are supposed to work. They have a hard time relating to someone, usually a lot less...
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If you look at it, bet you look at this one for more than 20 seconds.37 Conversation Rules for Gentlemen from 1875
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Very nice! Actually, if you read the full article I linked to, it shows that people tend to browse, browse, browse and then when they land on a website they like they can spend ages. We have a lot for...
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unlikely pair "sticking" together:
View ArticleRe: A discussion about discussion board rules of the civil discourse
Suzanne wrote: I know I realize that while Facebook has been a great way to connect with long lost friends and relatives, it really hasn't served to replace the kind of conversations we had here....
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